Registration Deadline is June 11th, 2018. Please visit the Registration Page to get started.
“Walk ins” (aka. attendees that do not register through this page before the registration deadline) will not be turned away, but will be charged $100 regardless of status, payment due immediately (brought to the conference) and may not be guaranteed all amenities. Refunds will not be honored after the deadline. Bottom line, please register and pay before the deadline so we can plan accordingly and not have to chase anyone down. These measures help keep costs affordable for all. ?
Instructions (please read carefully): This year’s registration is “a la carte” style like years past. Click on the links below to help you register to attend the conference, exhibit and/or register for pre-conference activities. You will be taken to the “EPCAMR store” to add registration items from this page. Once you have selected an item you may return to this page to add additional items to your online shopping cart or continue adding items in the store under the “Registrations” category. The items in the store are also marked as “Featured Items”. Tip: Please do not use your browser’s “Back” button in the store, as it can delete the order you are building. Once you are done, go through the checkout to view your items and finish the registration process. You may pay by check/money order and send in your printed registration via snail mail. OR… pay with credit or debit card using our online payment gateway, PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to use a card. Choose “pay with debit or credit card” option when the store transfers you to PayPal.